Create InterFaith Parties with class, pun intended.Make our world a better place to share Community and Parties.
Welcome! Create new concepts, new homes, great parties and enjoy love Feasts together; become new Communities, build bridges and leaderships.
Be free and spirited to invite others to become interfaith minded, to have gatherings that bond all of us as a family of humankind under One First Source and Center!
Party with Love and Peace! Download copies of ordination and confirm others to be Inter-Faith Ministers too. Help them to self train and learn responsibilities. Come together! Love Feasting and more love feast.
We need a greater social network for all communities. We need Interfaith Community Centers for Spiritual development and also social community programs in the center. We need for our young and the not so young on Friday and Saturday nights a cultural center for parties that are geared on a non alcohol level. Geared with live music and great social and moral outlinings. Consider having a gathering for Interfaith! See the next sentence!
CREATE your own 501 c3 non-profit and produce your own website and administration. Then continue to ordain and ordain and spread the Gospel of Freedom and encouragement with your style. Build Bridges and build community.
My cry to you as Interfaith Ministers and followers of this great movement is, to create parties that are pure and filled with diversity. Be Peacemakers and make the best seasoned flavored meetings. Find places to hold your Love Feast that are attractive settings for peaceful, silent worship, prayer and wholesome meals. Vocal ministry is always present, yet out of respect please limit your message or music/poetry. Recall the power of friendship and be merciful peacemaking individuals; for your local Party of Love feel free to make your own bylaws with the Spirit of wisdom, prayer and respect in your hearts.
The meetings could be in your homes, on a beach, at a buffet bar in a designated restaurant, on the hillside, in a meadow; at any peaceful place or in a new structure that you have created for the specific purposes of Universal Friendship in InterFaith Ministries and pure social entertainment. Be a dreamer and builder, they go together. I wish all of us the greatest gifts; bonding with our Creator, bonding with our families, friends; building new Interfaith communities. YOU are totally free to build and dream, i suggest that you do your best without burnout.
Freedom exists in this Sunshine of the Americas website, build your own site, create your own non profit, gather people as i did on TV, Radio and public witnessing and ordaining; enjoy parties and good entertainment as well as buffet bars for meeting places. Structure your dreams with social engineering, designing that reasoning concepts and ideals that are inspiring to your Party. Be imaginative and creative. As a TV personality I learned a lot on how to create the best witness of Interfaith. I am still learning and growing, i suggest to all, please consider going on community access TV and create the best Interfaith and entertainment programs possible. Recall not to become a stick in the mud, be ever cheerful and creative.